Copy of Awakening Apparel
Our Mission
Awakening Apparel is an Environmental Friendly Clothing Brand providing Solutions, Opportunities and Programs by merging Awareness with Style and Uniqueness in a Sexy Way to make a Positive Change and Impact on this Planet.
Awakening Apparel's mission is to create Awareness on how the chemicals being used in the Clothing Industry are impacting the Planet and Humanity and to provide alternatives and solutions with a unique sexy style.
So what Solutions do we provide?
(We are disruptors and world changers in this space and we invite you to use your purchase power to invoke lasting and positive change. )
Awareness is the first step and action is the next. Be a fellow world changer in this domino effect and know that you are doing good in the world with each purchase.
Change starts with one and ends with many.
We are partnering with a Foundation to give back to the Environment, which each purchase we planting at least 1 Tree in the Amazonian Rainforest while we are looking into more Ethical Programs to support to make a positive change.....we are always looking for more support and ideas, if you have one please reach out to us :)
Look at some of the work our Partner Foundation is doing....
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